ATE Mini-GPS2 Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Mini-GPS2 provide Power Over Ethernet (POE) to the Canopy radios?
No, the unit does not provide power to the Canopy radios. It is expected that the Canopy radios will be powered by the standard Motorola Canopy power supplies.
Is a GPS antenna provided?
Yes, a GPS antenna is supplied with each unit that is shipped out. Please see this important notice about the GPS antenna. The GPS antenna supplied has a N-type female connector.
Is any additional equipment required for the Mini-GPS2 to function correctly?
In addition to the power supply, which is not provided, each unit requires a coax cable to connect the GPS antenna to the Mini-GPS2 unit. This is not supplied as the cable requirement changes for each installation. The cable should have a N-type male connector on each end.
Is a switch or hub provided with the Mini-GPS2?
No, a switch is not supplied with the Mini-GPS2. This is considered one of the advantages of the Mini-GPS2. The end-user can select out the switch to fit their needs while still maintaining a proper timed Canopy network.
